Sportive, social and cultural club "Uma Jaqi"

"Uma Jaqi" - people of the water

Our club was founded in November 2008 by a group of lovers of the sea, led by Miguel Hernández, president and representative of the club.

Uma Jaqi´s philosophical values are the sport and the respect for people, understanding that each one of us is valuable thru to the talents each one of us has received, which we enjoy and exploit to the fullest. The goal of each of the members of our organization is to achieve personal development, doing what one loves most and enjoy doing it well.

Some of the members of our Uma Jaqi Surf Club are professional surfers

JC Lombardi 

JC Lombardi is member of the Uma Jaqi Surf Club and one of the best surfers in Chile and is surfing for

Camilo Hernández

Miguel Hernandez's brother is a passionate surfer, surfs for Billabong and is one of the aspiring stars of the Surf-Sport in Chile.